Drone pilot jobs indianapolis
Drone pilot jobs indianapolis

drone pilot jobs indianapolis

So weve included the information below to help you navigate the USAJOBS application process. However, most UAV pilot and sensor operator jobs in the near future will be in the following industries. We know that applying for a job can take some time and effort. Provide administrative support to Executive team including but not limited to items such as booking travel, scheduling meetings, event coordination etc. The job market for UAV pilots appears to be limitless.Provide administrative support for our 2023 Equity plan and stock/option agreements. Did you know, drone operators are required by the FAA to be licensed Our courses will help you achieve success as a commercial drone pilot.Continue development of USPS local relationship and any other agencies as develops and continue work on USPS mailbox authorization approval for Dronedek.Participate in and support pilot programs.


  • Oversee administration and processing of domestic and international payroll to include full time employees and contractors.
  • Work closely with external accounting firms.
  • Managing and processing payroll, domestic and international.

    Allow read only access to these investors and add, delete and update files as needed in the data room.Administrator responsibilities of Firmex Data Room.Work closely with team to resolve any issues occurring with vendor payments. Serve as 2nd reviewer and payor of invoices received via inbox.Conduct weekly meetings with Accounting provider representative and provide timely and accurate information to ensure effective working relationship.Serve as the interface with and work closely with our outsourced Accounting provider to make sure financial transactions are being properly recorded, categorized and summarized in timely manner. Home: Explore careers Drone pilot Drone pilot Alternative titles for this job include Unmanned aerial vehicle pilot, UAV pilot Drone pilots remotely operate aircraft used in work.Work closely with Pulley representative as we develop the system and bring on new employee stock agreement plans to be executed through Pulley.Prepare and complete stock agreements with investors and ensure funds are received and properly recorded.Providing them with next steps and ensuring third party accredited investor reviews and VCI credit approvals are properly recorded and attached to investor’s Pulley record.Responsible for handling, onboarding and interacting with all accredited investors (10K or more).Administrator responsibilities for Pulley Cap Table.Reviewing RAMP transactions, setting program policies, setting up cards for employees, both physical and virtual, and resolving issues and support needed to team members.Being one of the most enticing fields for drone pilots, drone photography and filmmaking has the biggest market and also the. Administrator responsibilities for RAMP Let’s lump all aerial photography and filmmaking jobs under one item, just because describing all types of jobs under this category would be long enough to make a separate list.

    Drone pilot jobs indianapolis