Stremio mac download
Stremio mac download

If there is already released a descriptor for that tag the script exits with an error unless the -force flag is set. With the -tag="vX.X.X." argument the script creates a descriptor for the given tag. If there is no release candidate yet for some reason a new release descriptor is generated skipping the candidate. If the -release flag is passed the release candidate is copied to the releases destination thus releasing a new version. In order to run the script the AWS Command Line Interface must be installed on the system and properly configured with credentials that have write permissions to the bucket. \generate_descriptor.js -tag=v0.1.0 -releaseĭescriptor for tag v0.1.0 already exists in the RC folder. If so invoking the generate_descriptor.js script with -release flag will publish the descriptor to the release channel:Ĭ:\stremio-service> node. It can be tested by running the service with the -release-candidate argument and it should update. Quick release exampleĪssuming the release actions finished successfully there will be already a release candidate descriptor. The default behavior is to find the latest artifacts and generate a release candidate descriptor.

#Stremio mac download for mac os

This script is automatically called in the release workflows for Mac OS and Windows.

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The generate_descriptor.js script is used to generate new version descriptor and upload it to s3.

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Git tag -a v0.XX.XX -m "Service v0.XX.XX" Commit Cargo.toml, Cargo.lock and flatpak/.xml.Flatpak packages - necessary to add the new version and it's date to the .xml file.Cargo macos & create-dmg -overwrite target/macos/*.app target/macos

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